Nortel has released UNIStim firmware 3.2 for the their IP phones;
– 0604DCJ for Phase II IP Phones (2001, 2002 & 2004),
– 0621C6M for IP Phone 2007,
– 0623C6N, 0624C6N, 0625C6N and 0627C6N for IP Phone 1110, 1120E, 1140E and 1150E respectively and
– 062AC6N for IP Phone 1210, 1220, and 1230
There is a lot of information in product bulletin which can be found here.
I did notice that Nortel has made changes in this firmware release that will now allow the Cache IP option to function when the Voice VLAN (via automatic methods such as DHCP, LLDP-MED) is also enabled. Previously these features were exclusive of each other and wouldn’t operate together. While the Cache IP option violates some basic DHCP principles it provides a solution should your DHCP server be down while the phone is performing it’s initial boot up or renewing it’s DHCP lease. I’ve had the Cache IP option save me on a number of occasions and since I use DHCP lease times of at least 3 months for all IP phones I’ve never had an issue with IP address conflicts. Here’s the text from the product bulletin concerning the change to the Cache IP feature;
Recall that the ability to provision “Cached IP” is provided within the IP Phones to allow phones, which has been configured to use DHCP, to remain in service in the event of a DHCP server failure (or loss of connection to the DHCP server). The use of a cached IP address, however, is not compliant to the DHCP specification. Therefore the ability to decide whether one wishes to cache the IP address or not is a configurable option. The default setting is compliant with the DHCP specification resulting in service denial until connection to the DHCP server can be re-established. Only if Cached IP is enabled will the phone be more resilient in the event of broken communication to the DHCP server. In UNIStim firmware prior to release 3.2 the ability to provision Cached IP was not available – and was greyed out in the manual configuration menu – when the Voice VLAN was configured as Auto. Since in the past, “Auto” meant that the VLAN ID was obtained from DHCP in a Nortel vendor option, caching the IP address had no value if the phone could not also obtain its Voice VLAN ID. With UNIStim firmware release 3.2, the ability to configure Cached IP is now mutually exclusive to whether the Voice VLAN is configured as Auto. Since the Voice VLAN can also be obtained automatically from LLDP, the request to cache the IP address is valid. But also to ensure the phone still operated even if the Voice VLAN ID is being obtained from DHCP as well, if Cached IP is enabled, then the Voice VLAN is cached along with the IP address.
There are also a number of new Info block options that might be of interest to folks so I would advise that you review the product bulletin.