The following document is provided as a basic guide on how to configure the Motorola WS5100 Wireless LAN Switch with release 3.x software. You should use the initial username of “cli” at the login prompt. At the username/password prompts you should use “admin” and “superuser” respectively.
You should connect to the console port a serial cable (null) with 19200,8,N,1.
The example below will configure Ethernet 2 as a trunk port with the management interface in VLAN 200 ( and the default gateway as The order of the commands is very important when you start to trunk the interface.
Please press Enter to activate this console. WS5100 release Login as 'cli' to access CLI. WS5100 login: cli User Access Verification Username: admin Password: ********* Welcome to CLI WS5100> WS5100> enable WS5100# configure terminal WS5100(config)# interface eth2 WS5100(config-if)# switchport mode trunk WS5100(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 200 WS5100(config-if)# switchport trunk native tagged WS5100(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan none WS5100(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 200 WS5100(config-if)# exit WS5100(config)#interface vlan 200 WS5100(config-if)# ip address WS5100(config-if)# management WS5100(config-if)# exit WS5100(config)# interface vlan 1 WS5100(config-if)# no ip address WS5100(config-if)# shutdown WS5100(config-if)# exit WS5100(config)# ip default-gateway WS5100(config)# end WS5100# write memory
Once you’ve complete those steps you should be able to ping the device. At that point you can connect to the web based console to complete the configuration.
You should of course substitute the IP addresses above with your own addresses.