In 2020 my diet and personal health choices finally caught up to me and I had to make some drastic changes. Since that September day I’ve lost more than 60lbs using a mixed low-carb / keto diet. Unfortunately I’ve also had to account for my gout diagnosis which has left me with some very restricted menu options.
The data in the graph below is from a Withings WiFi Scale and makes it pretty easy to see how quickly the weight can catch up to you, or me I guess I should say, over the years.

In July of 2018 I broke my ankle while playing ice hockey and that literally sidelined me for more than six months. The only good thing during that timeframe? I literally couldn’t get to the kitchen for months so I didn’t put on any weight. I owe that feat to my wonderful wife, she loves telling me “no!“. You can see in the graph above that 2018 was relatively flat, until I got my mobility back and started snacking again. :(
How did I do it?
In my specific case, the hunger wasn’t the big issue. The pain from the gout attack was pretty severe and lasted almost 4 weeks, and it literally masked my general hunger for the first few weeks. I was religious about keeping my fluid levels up, drinking 160oz of water daily trying to flush the uric acid out of my body. I believe the water kept me feeling full, but the numerous trips to the bathroom can be super annoying. However, it promotes getting up from the desk frequently which is a good thing.

My job for the past 7 years required me to commute almost 100 miles each day keeping me in my car for ~ 3 hours each day about 15 hours each week. Thankfully that’s changed dramatically with COVID-19 and I’ve made use of the extra free time to walk my dog, Bucket, twice daily. The Fitbit Versa 2 I wear helps track the 10,000+ steps I try to tally daily. Not surprisingly my resting heart rate has dropped from an average of 63bpm to 53bpm at my current weight.
What’s the future hold?
In December I had another round of blood tests and there was “excellent improvement“, as noted by my physician. I still need to have another round of blood tests again this month, so here’s hoping that things are continuing to improve.
As for my personal goals, I would like to get down to around 240lbs. The trick will be adopting a diet and eating behaviors that I can use to maintain my weight and not start piling it all back on once I hit my goal. Ask me in six months where I am. Don’t be so focused on work, or the family or everyone else around you that you forget to take care of your own health!