It’s hard to believe that the Network Infrastructure Forums have been running for over 11 years. In July of 2009 I installed Simple Machines Forum software on a virtual private server from RimuHosting with the purpose of setting up an open and free discussion forum for network engineers and system administrators. At the time I was extremely frustrated with a number of vendors and manufacturers supporting their users (outside of professional services). I felt that I could help fill the void… and in the case of Bay Networks, Nortel Networks, Avaya and Symbol, Motorola, Zebra I wasn’t far off. I went out and registered the domain networkinfrastructure.info and set out to create a place for IT professionals (including resellers) to share ideas, problems and solutions.
Like most everything in life though, it’s time has come and gone and it is time to more forward. The majority of the information on the forum is now extremely dated and with the rise of other solutions, user traffic has dropped off significantly in the past few years. At it’s peak the forum had a very robust community around Nortel switching and Symbol, Motorola, Zebra wireless equipment serving both end-users and resellers.
If you are interested in some statistics;
- 49,023 registered members
- 23,000 legitimate members when you remove all the bots
- 20,891 posts
- 4,383 topics
- 62,621,940 page views
Special thanks to the moderators who helped curate the discussions, I couldn’t have done half as well without your contributions.
- Dominik
- Flintstone
- Paul L
- Telair
Thank you to everyone who participated in the discussions!