I recently had a few issues with one of our MRV LX-4016T terminal servers and decided to upgrade the software. Unfortunately we don’t have a maintenance contract with MRV so I had to upload the (newer) software from a newly purchased LX-4008T to our TFTP server. I was then able to use that software to upgrade the LX-4016T which appears to have resolved the stability issues when connected to a pair of Citrix NetScalers.
The default username is InReach (case sensitive) with a password of access. The default enable password is system.
InReach:0 >enable Password: ******** InReach:0 >>update ppciboot Attempting tftp download of file 'ppciboot.img' from address '' .............. Tftp download complete, verifying file integrity File ok, copying image to flash .............. Finished successfully
After upgrading the boot code I upgraded the software image;
InReach:0 >>update software Attempting tftp download of file 'linuxito.img' from address '' ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ............................. Tftp download complete, verifying file integrity ....File ok, copying image to flash ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ .... Finished successfully
With the software upgrade complete we now need to reload the terminal server so the new software and load.
InReach:0 >>reload Do you really want to proceed? y/n y Restarting System!... Please wait for system to restart...
That’s really all there was to it… pretty easy once you upload the software to a TFTP server.