This morning I’m still trying to clean up my servers and I’ve run into another issue. Looks like Verizon is blocking all SMTP mail from one of my servers;
host[] refused to talk to me: 571 Email from is currently blocked by Verizon Online's anti-spam system. The email sender or Email Service Provider may visit and request removal of the block. 151214
Ok, it’s quite possible that someone on the discussion forums has been a misbehaving so I need to make sure there’s no legitimacy to this report. I need to scour the log files and make sure that there’s nothing going on. I keep the log files on my server for 30 days, let’s do some quick crude command line fu;
[root@moon ~]# grep -h @verizon /var/log/maillog* | awk '{ print $7 }' | sort | uniq -c 427,
Note: I’ve obfuscated the email above so I don’t end up getting any more spam than I already receive daily.
Now that’s very interesting, I’m the only person that the server has been trying to mail which is getting denied by Verizon. Ok, so this problem is only impacting me, I guess that’s good.
So if it’s been going on for 30 days then I need to make sure the server is not listed on some RBL (real-time black list) somewhere. I’ll check;
Alright so I wasn’t listed on any of the RBL, I looked through the logs for any other anomalies and found none, focusing again on mail for Verizon customers ( and found nothing, I searched the discussion forums user database and blog comment subscriptions and found nothing. It must be a false positive on Verizon’s side, I’ll submit a request to Verizon following their instructions. I went to and I tried submitting a request as a Verizon customer and the form submission crashed with the following;
Ok, so I went back and submitted a request as an ISP (although I’m not an ISP but I’m starting to feel like one). That form was successfully submitted and I quickly received a reply via email.
That’s a boiler plate reply if I’ve ever seen one. Ok, so this doesn’t look like it’s going to be easy… I’ll need to chase the folks at and probably in Twitter as well.
Thanks Mike – Happy New Year to you and your family!
Happy New Year Joe!
Having the same issue and response from Verizon on this. Were you able to get it cleared up?
The automated form submissions weren’t helpful… I’ll need to try mailing but I can only imagine how much junk that address gets. I may need to contact Verizon as a customer since I’m a Verizon FiOS customer and attack it from that angle. For now I’m using my Gmail email address to work around the problem.