OpenStack Demo
Tech Field Day Video
by Jeff Rametta
This was an example of using the OpenStack RESTful API to provision the Brocade VCS network automagically creating port-profiles. The Brocade plug-in actually fits into Quantum which is the network API for OpenStack and is currently bundled as a core component of OpenStack.
My Thoughts?
This was very cool… I’m a huge proponent of automation and having the computer do the work. While VMWare is dominant in enterprise networks it’s Xen and KVM that drive the Internet Hosting Providers and they are actively developing OpenStack to combat the infiltration of VMware into their environment.
OpenFlow SDN [Open Networking Foundation] (ForCES)
Tech Field Day Video
by Curt Beckmann
The Open Networking Foundation (ONF) is a non-profit consortium dedicated to the transformation of networking through the development and standardization of a unique architecture called Software-Defined Networking (SDN), which brings direct software programmability to networks worldwide. The mission of the Foundation is to commercialize and promote SDN and the underlying technologies as a disruptive approach to networking that will change how virtually every company with a network operates.
My Thoughts?
It’s interesting going back and reading some of the comparisons between ForCES (Forwarding and Control Element Seperation) and OpenFlow and how the Open Networking Foundation came to be. There’s a pretty strong consensus in the industry and Software Defined Networking (SDN) is the future of networking and OpenFlow is going to be a major component in that future. The recent announcement by Google that they are already running a 100% OpenFlow based network appears to have accelerated some of the discussion around SDN and OpenFlow.
I believe it was Brent Salisbury who compared OpenFlow and SDN efforts to the policy based configuration and operation that wireless networks currently enjoy today between the wireless switch/controller and the thin access port/point. I thought it was a very interesting comparison, especially for folks that are new to OpenFlow and SDN.
Software Defined Networking
Tech Field Day Video
by Keith Stewart and Martin McNealis
Use cases at for Software Defined Networking at Networking Field Day 4
My Thoughts?
I’m an enterprise healthcare customer so the current buzz around Software Defined Networking doesn’t really resonate with me today although I do see the value in developing beyond the current solutions that are currently available today. I personally need to spend some time doing some additional reading and research to bring myself up to speed before I would feel comfortable commenting further.
I’d like to thank Lisa and the entire Brocade team. The presentations were very informative and educational.
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