I recently upgraded from the original Motorola Droid (December 2009) to a Motorola Droid 3 thanks to Verizon Wireless’s buy one get one free (BOGO) offer. That left me with the opportunity to experiment on my legacy Motorola Droid so I went in search of information on how to “root” it and what custom builds/ROMs of Android were available outside of the stock Android 2.2.2 that Verizon currently offers on the Motorola Droid.
I was able to “root” my original Motorola Droid which was running 2.2.2 by using SuperOneClick written by CLShortFuse. Then I stumbled across Peter Alfonso’s port of Gingerbread 2.3.5. I was able to use ROM Manager along with ClockworkMod Recovery to install the custom ROM and I had my old Motorola Droid running Gingerbread 2.3.5 in a very short time.
Anyone have any recommended or favorite Android ROM for a Motorola Droid?
I personally have tried Cyanogen 6 & 7 had a lot of bugs where the 3G & Wireless would drop out. I ran Liquid for a couple of months and finally stumbled on MIUI, which seems to be designed to appear like iOS.
Hi Tom,
I’ve been running Cyanongen 7.03 for the past few days and I’ve noticed the same issues with the WiFi wireless connection hanging. I didn’t have any issues with GPA17 so I’m thinking about going back.
I’ll probably download MIUI and give it a test run.
Thanks for the comment!
If CM7.0.3 is giving you troubles, I would try CyanogenMod 7.1 RC1. It’s very stable (been running on my HTC Incredible for 2 months) and rather quick.
Also, I assume you’ve looked through the dev forum for your phone at XDA?
Thanks for the comment Matt.
I haven’t had a whole lot of time these past few days to play around with it but I’ll definitely give 7.1 RC1 a test drive.