I had a little nostalgia on Saturday when Google placed a copy of the game Pac-Man on their homepage. I grew up playing Pac-Man and Mrs. Pac-Man so it brought back a whole lot of memories. I have very fond memories of the Atari 2600, it was an amazing piece of technology for it’s time. I can probably attribute the Atari 2600 as one of the initial catalysts for my interest in Technology and Computer Science. I remember games like Pitfall, Adventure, Pac-Man, Q*bert and Frogger.
I also remember wasting away hour upon hour playing Head-to-Head Football. I can remember playing against my dad and god father on many an occasion. It really wasn’t until I was introduced to the Commodore PET that I really became excited in technology. I can remember spending hours typing in hundreds of lines of QBASIC code,
the introduction of the tape drive allowed users to load and save programs to tape. I was able to convince my parents to buy me a Commodore 64 which was my first personal computer.
What was the first computer that you ever used or owned?
My first computer was an Atari 130XE. I’ve still got it. I keep thinking I’ll get it out and see if it still works but never make the time to do so.
My first Computer was a Sinclair ZX81.
Now I know I am old ;-)
Atari 2600 first gaming system
VIC 20, with no tape storage. Spend 2 hours copying basic code from a book, another hour troubleshooting, to play a game for 10 minutes. Good Times!
For me it would be the Commodore 64, with tape drive ‘in the end’. G.I.Joe to the rescue must have costed me to many hours
Those are all awesome comments guys!
I almost forgot about the upgrade from a Commodore 64 to a Commodore 128 with a floppy drive. The beast had a whole 128Kb of memory! And let’s not forget the Commodore Amiga which was almost revolutionary for it’s time.
Like Udo, mine was a ZX81, ahhh the happy days entering hundreds of lines of code to get a block moving around the screenn :-) I then progressed to an Amstard CPC 6128 with its lovely green screen! Anyone remember CP/M?
I had totally forgotten about CP/M until you mentioned it. I ran CP/M on the Commodore 128 with it’s 2.0 Mhz processor and 128 KB of memory.
That’s wild!
I also was the first person on my block with a PC…a Commodore 128…what a great system! I still get games for it via emulators which works great :)
Started off with a TI-99/4a -> C=64 -> Amiga 500 -> Amiga 2000 -> PC world.
Commodore 64….I used to program games for my kids. I had created a dictionary of words that kids should know and then created a hangman, scramble and other word games for them.
Then on to the Apple world and then to PCs
Mine was a TRS-80 model 1 with 16K of RAM.. it was hot!