A man can’t be all work and no play. As a few of you know I enjoy first person shooters and strategy games, everyone needs to have a little fun every once and a while right?
With all the hoopla around Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 I decided to give it a go. I enjoyed Call of Duty 4 although I still have yet to find a game that beats Battlefield 2142 in terms of cooperative team play. I’m really impressed with the Steam solution. Thanks to Steam (and Verizon FiOS) I had Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2 purchased and installed onto my home PC within about 70 minutes. Steam also allows me to play with the friends I’ve met on the Internet and perhaps even meet new friends.
If you like first person shooters you’ll most definitely like Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2. The graphics are amazing and the game mechanics felt spot on. While I’ve heard the single player campaign is relatively short the real fun is in the multiplayer games.
Cheers m8ie… I’ve bought the game yesterday and I’m amazed! Really… Still newbish lvl 5 but enjoying multiplayer!