The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 8600 has multiple log files that can be examined for signs of a problem or during basic troubleshooting. The log files will be stored on the PCMCIA flash card or in memory if there is no flash card available. There is also a trace facility within the ERS 8600 that allows you to log extensive debug information within the switch on different subsystems and processes. I won’t go into the trace facility in this post but if your interested you can find it in by using the command “config trace” from the CLI interface of the ERS 8600 switch.
You can check the contents of the flash memory and PCMCIA cards by issuing the “dir” command;
ERS-8610:5# dir size date time name -------- ------ ------ -------- 8773031 JUL-22-2008 06:11:38 /flash/p80a4163.img 373 JUL-22-2008 06:30:36 /flash/boot.cfg 8 AUG-16-2008 13:28:10 /flash/ospf_md5key.txt 79 AUG-16-2008 13:28:10 /flash/snmp_comm.txt 16440 AUG-16-2008 13:28:14 /flash/config.cfg 11 JUL-22-2008 07:33:30 /flash/engboot 1073634 JUL-22-2008 06:11:44 /flash/p80b4163.img 55928 JUL-22-2008 06:11:44 /flash/p80c4163.img 26112 JUL-22-2008 06:11:46 /flash/p80c4163.aes 8872259 JUL-22-2008 06:16:20 /flash/p80m4163.img 1272852 JUL-22-2008 06:17:12 /flash/p80j4163.dld total: 64155648 used: 20639744 free: 43515904 bytes size date time name -------- ------ ------ -------- 29671 AUG-16-2008 14:03:18 /pcmcia/7b700005.000 26192 AUG-16-2008 14:16:48 /pcmcia/clilog.txt 1 JUL-22-2008 06:21:20 /pcmcia/clilogoff 8 JUL-22-2008 07:33:30 /pcmcia/7b700005.num total: 64710656 used: 584704 free: 64125952 bytes
You can examine the log files with the following commands;
show log file tail
ERS-8610:5# show log file tail CPU5 [07/22/08 07:44:05] SNMP INFO Communication established with backup CPU CPU5 [07/22/08 07:44:05] HW INFO System activity performed CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:44] SNMP INFO CPU switch over, stand-by CPU in slot # 5 became master CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:44] SNMP INFO Sending Warm-Start Trap CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:44] SNMP INFO CPU switch over, stand-by CPU becoming master CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:37] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change: rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: LOADING->FULL Event LOADING_DONE_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:37] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change: rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: LOADING->FULL Event LOADING_DONE_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: EXCHANGE->LOADING Event EXCHANGE_DONE_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: EXCHANGE->LOADING Event EXCHANGE_DONE_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: EX_START->EXCHANGE Event NEGOTIATION_DONE_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: EX_START->EXCHANGE Event NEGOTIATION_DONE_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: 2WAY->EX_START Event ADJ_OK_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: 2WAY->EX_START Event ADJ_OK_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: INIT->2WAY Event TWO_WAY_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: DOWN->INIT Event HELLO_RECEIVED_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: NULL->DOWN Event HELLO_RECEIVED_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: INIT->2WAY Event TWO_WAY_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: DOWN->INIT Event HELLO_RECEIVED_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] OSPF INFO Ospf Nbr State Change : rtid:, ipa: nbr-rtid: NULL->DOWN Event HELLO_RECEIVED_EVENT CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:32] SNMP INFO Spanning Tree Topology Change(StgId=1, PortNum=2/1, MacAddr=00:1d:42:7b:70:01) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:02] NONE INFO Spanning Tree Topology Change. New Root bridge 00:04:38:70:70:01 for StgId = 1 CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:02] SNMP INFO Link Up(2/1) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] SNMP INFO Vlacp link up(1/1) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] SNMP INFO Vlacp link down(1/1) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] SNMP INFO Link Up(1/2) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] SNMP INFO Link Up(1/1) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] SW INFO PCMCIA card detected in Master CPU "ERS-8610" slot 5, Chassis S/N SSPNDTxxxx CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] SNMP INFO Fan Up(FanId=2, OperStatus=2) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] SNMP INFO Fan Up(FanId=1, OperStatus=2) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] HW INFO System activity performed CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:01] SNMP INFO Vlacp link down(1/1) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:01] SNMP INFO Booted with PRIMARY boot image source - /flash/p80a4163.img CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:01] SW INFO The system is ready CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:01] SW INFO NTP Enabled CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] SNMP INFO 2k card up(CardNum=2 AdminStatus=1 OperStatus=1) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] SW INFO Loading configuration from /flash/config.cfg CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] HW INFO FFAD:Test Passed OK Slot:6 Tap:1 [07/22/08 07:43:00] The previous message repeated 1 time(s). CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] HW INFO FFAD Setup: Serializer-Deserializer Connection OK Slot:6 Tap:1 CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] HW INFO FFAD:Test Passed OK Slot:5 Tap:1 [07/22/08 07:43:00] The previous message repeated 1 time(s). CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] HW INFO FFAD Setup: Serializer-Deserializer Connection OK Slot:5 Tap:1 CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] SNMP INFO 2k card up(CardNum=1 AdminStatus=1 OperStatus=1) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:43:00] HW INFO Initializing 8648GTR in slot #2 ... CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:59] HW INFO FFAD:Test Passed OK Slot:6 Tap:0 [07/22/08 07:42:59] The previous message repeated 1 time(s). CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:59] HW INFO FFAD Setup: Serializer-Deserializer Connection OK Slot:6 Tap:0 CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:59] HW INFO FFAD:Test Passed OK Slot:5 Tap:0 [07/22/08 07:42:59] The previous message repeated 1 time(s). CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:59] HW INFO FFAD Setup: Serializer-Deserializer Connection OK Slot:5 Tap:0 CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:59] HW INFO Initializing 8630GBR in slot #1 ... CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:59] SW INFO slot 1 found NP heartbeat - R-Module is online CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:57] SW INFO slot 2 found NP heartbeat - R-Module is online CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:52] SW INFO Slot 2: Starting software version CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:51] SW INFO Slot 1: Starting software version CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:41] SW INFO Slot 2: Loading /flash/p80j4163.dld CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:41] SW INFO Slot 1: Loading /flash/p80j4163.dld CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:36] SNMP INFO 2k card up(CardNum=6 AdminStatus=1 OperStatus=1) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:36] HW INFO FFAD:Test Passed OK Slot:6 Tap:8 CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:36] HW INFO FFAD Setup: Serializer-Deserializer Connection OK Slot:6 Tap:8 CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:34] SNMP INFO 2k card up(CardNum=5 AdminStatus=1 OperStatus=1) CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:34] HW INFO Initializing 8692SF in slot #6 ... CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:34] HW INFO FFAD:Test Passed OK Slot:5 Tap:8 CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:34] HW INFO FFAD Setup: Serializer-Deserializer Connection OK Slot:5 Tap:8 CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:32] HW INFO Initializing 8692SF in slot #5 ... CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:32] HW INFO Card inserted: Slot=6 Type=8692SF CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:32] SW INFO R-Module inserted: Slot=2 Type=8648GTR, waiting to bootup... CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:32] SW INFO R-Module inserted: Slot=1 Type=8630GBR, waiting to bootup... CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:32] HW INFO Card inserted: Slot=5 Type=8692SF CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:30] SW INFO Killing task tCXCTask after timeout CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:28] SW INFO Killing task tChRxTask after timeout CPU5 [07/22/08 07:42:26] HW INFO Stand-by CPU in slot # 5 becoming master... CPU5 [07/22/08 07:33:34] HW INFO System activity performed CPU5 [07/22/08 07:33:32] SW INFO PCMCIA card detected in Stand-by CPU "ERS-8610" slot 5, Chassis S/N SSPNDTxxxx CPU5 [07/22/08 07:33:32] SW INFO Loading configuration from /flash/config.cfg CPU5 [07/22/08 07:33:30] SW INFO CPU card entering warm-standby mode... CPU5 [07/22/08 07:33:30] SW INFO ERS System Software Release CPU5 [07/22/08 07:33:30] SW INFO System boot
If you have CLI logging enabled you can dump that log with the following command;
show clilog file tail
ERS-8610:5# show clilog file tail Slot5 5 [07/28/08 21:47:29] TELNET: rwa show log file tail Slot5 4 [07/28/08 21:47:27] TELNET: rwa box Slot5 3 [07/28/08 21:47:25] TELNET: rwa show log file tail Slot5 2 [07/28/08 21:47:09] TELNET: rwa info Slot5 1 [07/28/08 21:47:08] TELNET: rwa show ip route Slot5 62 [07/22/08 07:30:47] TELNET: rwa boot /flash/p80b4163.img Slot5 61 [07/22/08 07:30:23] TELNET: rwa dir Slot5 60 [07/22/08 07:30:15] TELNET: rwa peer telnet Slot5 59 [07/22/08 07:26:36] TELNET: rwa peer telnet Slot5 58 [07/22/08 07:26:34] TELNET: rwa box Slot5 57 [07/22/08 07:26:30] TELNET: rwa info Slot5 56 [07/22/08 07:26:28] TELNET: rwa ? Slot5 55 [07/22/08 07:26:05] TELNET: rwa more /flash/config.cfg Slot5 54 [07/22/08 07:25:54] TELNET: rwa info Slot5 53 [07/22/08 07:25:50] TELNET: rwa more /flash/boot.cfg Slot5 52 [07/22/08 07:25:41] TELNET: rwa save config Slot5 51 [07/22/08 07:25:38] TELNET: rwa save bootconfig Slot5 50 [07/22/08 07:25:27] TELNET: rwa info Slot5 49 [07/22/08 07:25:26] TELNET: rwa nifo Slot5 48 [07/22/08 07:25:25] TELNET: rwa choice secondary Slot5 47 [07/22/08 07:25:20] TELNET: rwa choice Slot5 46 [07/22/08 07:25:16] TELNET: rwa info Slot5 45 [07/22/08 07:25:13] TELNET: rwa choice secondary image-file /flash/p80a4160.img Slot5 44 [07/22/08 07:24:57] TELNET: rwa choice secondary ? Slot5 43 [07/22/08 07:24:51] TELNET: rwa choice Slot5 42 [07/22/08 07:24:34] TELNET: rwa choice image-file ? Slot5 41 [07/22/08 07:24:25] TELNET: rwa choice ? Slot5 40 [07/22/08 07:24:22] TELNET: rwa ? Slot5 39 [07/22/08 07:24:21] TELNET: rwa bootconfig Slot5 38 [07/22/08 07:24:19] TELNET: rwa config Slot5 37 [07/22/08 07:24:09] TELNET: rwa more /flash/boot.cfg Slot5 36 [07/22/08 07:24:05] TELNET: rwa save bootconfig Slot5 35 [07/22/08 07:24:02] TELNET: rwa config bootconfig choice secondary image-file /flash/p80a4160.img Slot5 34 [07/22/08 07:24:01] TELNET: rwa config bootconfig choice primary image-file /flash/p80a4163.img Slot5 33 [07/22/08 07:22:50] TFTP: get /p80a4163.img Slot5 32 [07/22/08 07:22:36] TELNET: rwa peer telnet Slot5 31 [07/22/08 07:22:33] TELNET: rwa mv /flash/p80a4163.mig /flash/p80a4163.img Slot5 29 [07/22/08 07:22:01] TFTP: get /flash/p80a4163.img Slot5 28 [07/22/08 07:21:43] TELNET: rwa peer telnet Slot5 27 [07/22/08 07:21:42] TELNET: rwa mv /flash/p80a6163.img /flash/p804163.img Slot5 26 [07/22/08 07:21:31] TELNET: rwa dir Slot5 25 [07/22/08 07:21:19] TFTP: get /p80j4163.dld Slot5 24 [07/22/08 07:17:26] TFTP: get /p80m4163.img Slot5 23 [07/22/08 07:17:25] TFTP: get /p80c4163.aes Slot5 22 [07/22/08 07:17:25] TFTP: get /p80c4163.img Slot5 21 [07/22/08 07:17:19] TFTP: get /p80b4163.img Slot5 20 [07/22/08 07:17:19] TFTP: get /p80a4163.img Slot5 19 [07/22/08 07:16:33] TELNET: rwa peer telnet Slot5 18 [07/22/08 07:16:22] TELNET: rwa dir ERS-8610:5#
Watch out for that trace function. Bulletin 2008008664 rev 2. You can crash the box.
i am very new to nortel 8310,i cannot telnet the system neither ping, i cannot login to the system, on restart when console is connected the following is displayed kindly help:
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:18:08] HW WARNING Power Supply 2 down
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:18:08] SNMP INFO Power Supply Down(PsId=2, OperStatus=4)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:18:46] HW INFO Power Supply 2 up
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:18:46] SNMP INFO Power Supply Up(PsId=2, OperStatus=3)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:19:20] HW WARNING Power Supply 2 down
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:19:20] SNMP INFO Power Supply Down(PsId=2, OperStatus=4)
Init serial MPSC0 port
PowerBoot image in DRAM is at 0x00200000 – 0x00240000
Executing from 0x00200000 …..
PCI0 address decode control reg. = 0x8
The GT is in Monarch mode Waiting for EREADY to go High…….
EREADY pulled High.
Now scanning the PCI bus
Found CPU 740/750, PVR=00083311.
CPU clock: 400 MHz
Bus clock: 133 MHz
CPU Junction Temperature : +31C
256KB L2 Cache
Onboard Memory DRAM: 256MB 0x00000000…0x0FFFFFFF
User Flash : 64MB 0x50000000…0x53FFFFFF
DRAM: 128MB 0x00000000..0x07FFFFFF is cached memory
DRAM: 128MB 0x08000000..0x0FFFFFFF is non-cached memory
Reserved memory for ethernet and MPSC devices (0x0EFF0000-0x0FFFFFFF)
GT Register space mapped at 0xF0000000 – 0xF000FFFF
Testing NVRAM………………….done
Testing RAM …………………..done
Testing Boot FLASH….CSUM 0x012D..done
Testing PCI Bus ……………….done
Init DTLB/ITLB for block translation, enable MMU
Enabling Instruction/Data Address translation in MSR
Init exception vectors starting at address: 0x00000100
Enable L1-Icache
Enable L1-Dcache
Enable L2-Cache
Check for AutoBoot….
Autoboot enabled…
Start execution at boot address 0x52000108
*******cl_num = 100 ******
*******cl_num = 64 ******
Port 0 link down. Check line connection.
Copyright (c) 1996-2010 Avaya, Inc.
CPU Slot 5: PPC 750Cxe
Creation Time: SEP 24 2010, 13:24:25
Hardware Time: MAY 23 2012, 10:24:21 UTC
Memory Size: 0x00980000
Start Type: cold
ti1410cscHandler — Card Insertion
can’t open “/pcmcia/pcmboot.cfg” 0x380003
Loaded boot configuration from file /flash/boot.cfg
Attaching network interface lo0… done.
Press to stop auto-boot…
Loading /flash/P83A4230.IMG … 9403297 to 40697296 (40697296)
Starting at 0xa00000…
*******cl_num = 800 ******
*******cl_num = 2048 ******
Port 0 link down. Check line connection.
Attached TCP/IP interface to wancom unit 0
Attaching network interface lo0… done.
Adding 39619 symbols for standalone.
ti1410cscHandler — Card Insertion
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:46] SW INFO Found serial number in fi
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:46] SW INFO License Successfully Loaded From License Type — ADVANCED
Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 System Software Release
Copyright (c) 1996-2010 Avaya Inc.
System boot
Ethernet Routing Switch System Software Release
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:47] SW INFO System boot
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:47] SW INFO Ethernet Routing Switch System Software Relea
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:47] HW INFO resetting all I/O cards
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:47] HW INFO Card inserted: Slot=2 Type=8348GTX
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:47] HW INFO Card inserted: Slot=5 Type=8393SF/256
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:47] HW INFO Card inserted: Slot=6 Type=8393SF/256
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:47] HW INFO Card inserted: Slot=7 Type=8348GTX
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] HW WARNING CPU threshold – 95 Current – 100 peak 10
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] CPU WARNING RxQ#0: 0 (0)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] CPU WARNING RxQ#1: 0 (0)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] CPU WARNING RxQ#2: 0 (0)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] CPU WARNING RxQ#3: 0 (0)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] CPU WARNING RxQ#4: 0 (0)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] CPU WARNING wancom(0): 0 (0 )
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] CPU WARNING
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] CPU WARNING wancom(1): 0 (0 )
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] CPU WARNING
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] HW WARNING
CpuUtil: 100
SwitchFabricUtil: 0
OtherSwitchFabricUtil: 0
BufferUtil: 0
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:48] HW WARNING
DramUsed:DramSize 46:256
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] HW WARNING CPU threshold – 95 Current – 100 peak 10
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] CPU WARNING RxQ#0: 0 (0)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] CPU WARNING RxQ#1: 0 (0)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] CPU WARNING RxQ#2: 0 (0)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] CPU WARNING RxQ#3: 0 (0)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] CPU WARNING RxQ#4: 0 (0)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] CPU WARNING wancom(0): 0 (0 )
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] CPU WARNING
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] CPU WARNING wancom(1): 0 (0 )
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] CPU WARNING
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] HW WARNING
CpuUtil: 100
SwitchFabricUtil: 0
OtherSwitchFabricUtil: 0
BufferUtil: 0
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:49] HW WARNING
DramUsed:DramSize 46:256
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:50] HW INFO Fan Tray 1 up
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:50] HW INFO Fan Tray 2 up
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:50] SNMP INFO Fan Up(FanId=1, OperStatus=2)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:50] SNMP INFO Fan Up(FanId=2, OperStatus=2)
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:51] HW INFO Finished insertion for slot 5
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:51] SW INFO Load configuration started
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:52] SW ERROR DLD file version mismatch file /flash/p83r41
00.dld CP IO
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:57] SW INFO Slot 7: Loading
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:57] SW INFO Slot 2: Loading
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:57] HW INFO Finished insertion for slot 6
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:11] SW INFO Slot 2: Starting software version
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:11] SW INFO Slot 7: Starting software version
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:19] HW INFO Finished insertion for slot 2
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:22] HW INFO Finished insertion for slot 7
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:22] SW INFO Loading configuration from /flash/config.cfg
SNMP-v3 VACM configuration is currently using default parameters.
It is strongly recommended to change these parameters.
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:23] SW INFO Load configuration done
SNMP-v3 USM configuration is currently using default parameters.
It is strongly recommended to change these parameters.
SNMP-v3 Having more than one entry in Group-access table for the same group-name
with different security levels can cause a security hole
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:23] SNMP INFO Booted with PRIMARY boot image source – /fl
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:23] SW INFO PCMCIA card detected in Master CPU “ERS-8310”
slot 5, Chassis S/N SSPNMF01GX
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:23] SW INFO No host configured for transferring SMP log f
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:23] SW INFO Logging to PCMCIA stopped
Copyright (c) 1996-2010 Avaya, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Login: CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:26:11] SNMP INFO Sending Cold-Start Trap
Hi James,
You have some software issues with the DLD files but nothing serious;
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:52] SW ERROR DLD file version mismatch file /flash/p83r4100.dld CP IO
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:57] SW INFO Slot 7: Loading
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:57] SW INFO Slot 2: Loading
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:24:57] HW INFO Finished insertion for slot 6
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:11] SW INFO Slot 2: Starting software version
CPU5 [2012-05-23 10:25:11] SW INFO Slot 7: Starting software version
What exactly can’t you do? Do you have a configuration on the switch? (show configuration)
I would suggest you post on the discussion forums,
Hi Michal,
i have ERS 8600 core, i face this message in 3-5 times in a day
“Nov 11 00:08:04 CPU5 [11/10/13 18:41:13] HW INFO System activity performed
Nov 11 00:08:04 CPU5 [11/10/13 18:41:13] HW INFO System activity performed”
Thanks & Regards
Hi Michael; I have this error in slot 5 passport 8306 with 4.0 images:
Can’t open “CPU5 [“date”] SW INFO Failed to load license file /flash/license.dat
” 0xCPU5 [“date”] SW INFO Load tertiary license file failed.380003 to read
Can’t open “/flash/license.dat” 0x380003 to read
Can’t open “/flash/license.dat” 0x380003 to read
Can’t open “/flash/license.dat” 0x380003 to read
CPU5 [11/12/13 01:17:30] SW INFO Failed to load license file Passport
8300CPU5 [11/12/13 01:17:30] SW INFO Load default license file failed. System Software
Release CPU5 [11/12/13 01:17:30] SW INFO No license file loaded.
Could you please tell what is this error and how to fix it?
thanks !!!
If you’re not using any of the advanced or premium features you can ignore this message.
That software release is really dated.
I am using VRRP, SMLT and IST, is there any way to generate license.dat?
I copied the cpu license.dat 6 to 5 but the same problem occurs and operates in standby mode.
As I previously said you can safely ignore… else you can upgrade to a supported software release.
Hi Michael,
I have this error in slot 5 –
CPU5 [04/10/17 17:20:01] HW ERROR System activity performed
CPU5 [04/10/17 17:19:24] SNMP INFO Cannot communicate with backup CPU
CPU5 [04/10/17 17:18:32] SNMP INFO Communication established with backup CPU
[04/10/17 17:17:56] The previous message repeated 1 time(s).
CPU5 [04/10/17 17:16:21] HW ERROR System activity performed
CPU5 [04/10/17 17:16:05] SNMP INFO Cannot communicate with backup CPU
CPU5 [04/10/17 17:15:21] SNMP INFO Communication established with backup CPU
[04/10/17 17:14:45] The previous message repeated 1 time(s).
CPU5 [04/10/17 17:13:10] HW ERROR System activity performed
Could you please tell me what is this error and how can i fix it?
Thanks !!!