I thought I would spend a few minutes looking back at my adventure into the online digital world. I’ve been writing this blog for more than 6 months now and was curious if it’s worth the time and effort and more importantly “is this information useful to anyone?”
It would seem, looking at the statistics from StatCounter.com that there are an average of 250 page loads daily during the week from 130 unique visitors (105 first time, 25 returning). I won’t be making any fortune by rushing to sign-up for a Google Adwords account but that was never the intention.
I think the content has been good but certainly not great. I’m the first to admit that I’m not the best writer in the world (nor will I ever be). I have had quite a few very interesting and intriguing conversations with a number of different individuals. Some on the other side of the country and some on the other side of the pond (Atlantic Ocean).
I think we’ll keep this blog going for another 6 months and then re-evaluate at that point. If you have suggestions for articles please post them as comments to this article.
Update: August 25, 2008
I thought I would just post a quick update. This blog appears to be gathering some steam as of late. I’m currently getting around 250+ visits daily and the site has a nice number of pages indexed by Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Live Search. The Adsense account is also making approximately $9.00/month which is almost enough to offset the costs of hosting on GoDaddy. All in all I’m enjoying the opportunity although it does take a small bit of work and I’ve noticed that I really need to proof-read my articles at least twice.
Keep it up!
I found you when I put “8600 CLI” into Google.
I agree – very usefull weblog. Would be happy to donate $$$ to keep it running. Very usefull articles. I especially like the LLDP, DSCP setup about Nortel IP phones. Very accurate description. I have a few customers using a full Nortel setup (PassPort, Edge switches, Symposium etc) and your experience have really helped me take it further. Also the series about Multicasting are interesting. I’m really starting to like Nortel equipment which pisses my colleagues off- in a good way offcourse :) I usually work with with brands such as Juniper, Extreme, Trapeze and occasionally Cisco. Nortel is not that big in my area so your Enterprise experience is of great value to me. Now get that PayPal link working or make some t-shirts we can buy ;-)
Thanks for the responses.
I’m definitely not in this for the money. I’m in it to “give back” to the Information Technology community. I’ve made some changes to the site’s design and yes I’ve created a Google Adsense account.