If you’ve ever tried to connect to the web interface of a Nortel Ethernet Switch 460/470 or Ethernet Routing Switch 5510/5520/5530 you might have found that you need to provide a username.
In software release v3.7.x for the Nortel Ethernet Switch 460/470 you’ll also find that you now need to provide a username when you telnet into the switch (in previous releases you were only prompted for a password, now you are prompted for a username and password).
Interestingly enough you cannot change the default usernames (at least I don’t believe you can).
For the above mentioned switches there are only two levels of access, read-write and read-only.
The default username for the read-write user level is RW.
The default username for the read-only user level is RO.
Updated 1/16/08: I should have included the default passwords for those two accounts.
The default password for the read-write user level is “secure”.
The default password for the read-only user level is “user”.
Just a quick comment.
You can in fact change the default username for read-only and read-write for at least a 470 running 3.7. The cli command is:
configure terminal
username -name- -password- ro/rw
So, to set a new username for read-write, it would be:
username admin justsomepassword rw
if you wanted the username to be “admin”.
Thanks for adding that!
Thank you for posting this information! I’ve been searching for this all over. I would like to let you know that those usernames also work with v3.6.5.04.
Have also since discovered that for SSH software image, the default passwords are:
RO: userpasswd”
RW: securepasswd